Webcam cover

3.00 €

Coup de coeur




-63 in stock

Choose when you want to be visible!
If Mark Zuckerberg and the FBI director put an adhesive on their camera before anyone else, it's because it's really time to think about it, right?

Don't panic, Rainette has found the solution, the webcam cover is the new tote bag!

Remove this little piece of tape that peels off all the time and adopt the only durable solution, the webcam cover:

Practical and easy to install,
All you have to do is swipe your finger to activate it.


How does it work?

• Turn on your camera (to stick your Webcam cache in the right place)
Pass a cloth to clean it properly
• Remove the blue protective film from the webcam cover
• Stick it on the webcam of your PC, tablet or mobile phone


6 mm x 18 mm
1 webcam cache


Eco responsabilité | Nos matières premières

From the moment we produce, pollute. However, today we can produce better to pollute less. Our process is certainly, not yet optimal, but it has the merit of existing and progress.

Our reflective devices are:
• Solid and durable
• Do not require power source to work
• Do not produce unnecessary light pollution and are therefore less disturbing for wildlife than a lighted light.
• Easy to destroy at the end of life and potentially recyclable and reusable.

Our reflective fabrics
All textile equipment are manufactured in a BSCI * certified factory near Shanghai. The fabrics are Oeko-Tex 100 certified and are recyclable.

Expédition rapide | Retours gratuits

Shipping business days:

Any order past before noon is treated the same day. The orders placed after 12h are treated within 24 hours.
The orders placed on Friday after 12h are treated on Monday after.


Easy back!

If the product does not suit you, send it back to us within 14 days after receiving your order. The product is in its original packaging and in perfect condition, it will be refunded upon receipt.


How to proceed ?

1. Send an email with your Rainette Order
2. Simply print the slip sent by us and put your package in a post office.
3. Your order will be refunded upon receipt and verification.

★★★★★Très satisfait du service

Très satisfait du service. J'ai eu un soucis de livraison, j'ai envoyé un mail et j'ai été contacté très rapidement, une solution rapide à été trouvée. Le produit correspond à mes attentes.
Bref, très professionnel, très gentil, très à l'écoute.
Je recommande !

★★★★★ Commande expédiée très rapidement

Parfait !

★★★★★ Bon achat

Livraison rapide
Produit confirmé à mes attente.
Je recommande !!!!
